Download the executable for your system for better performance than the in-browser version.

Welcome to Squid Savings. A short, casual open world exploration game (maybe a metroidvania if you count all the backtracking) originally made in under 24 hours (non-continuous) for the GDS Fall-O-Ween 2020 jam.

The challenge - in a similar vein to Miz jam - was to use the GDS Fall-O-Ween 2020 art kit by frecklebars in the most creative way possible. All art in the game is from that kit, most of it modified in some way.

Music is by yours truly. My goal with this jam was to show myself I can make both a game and it's soundtrack quickly to a reasonable degree of quality. The open world aspect is just an idea that got out of hand, and honestly if there are any bugs now you know why 😅 I'm pretty happy with how the music turned out - considering that it was made in a panicked frenzy near the end - and you can download it below for free. The soundtrack is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license (as detailed in the thank you note) so you can feel free to use it as you please with credit.

If you get stuck, follow this walkthrough on YouTube to see what to do next.

Control Scheme
Tutorialised in-game anyway but here it is:

  • Hold the left mouse button to swim towards the mouse
  • Hold space to swim faster
  • Press the right mouse button to throw a bomb towards the mouse if you're holding one
  • You can throw bombs further if the mouse is further away from the player

The original version of Squid Savings made in under 24 hours (non-continuous) and uploaded for the GDS Fall-O-Ween 2020 jam can be downloaded below using the link marked "Old Fall-O-Ween 2020 version".


Windows (64-bit) 26 MB
Windows (32-bit) 26 MB
MacOS (experimental) 27 MB
Linux (64-bit) 27 MB
Linux (32-bit) 27 MB
Squid Savings Soundtrack (MP3) 5.5 MB
Squid Savings Soundtrack (FLAC) 29 MB
Squid Savings Soundtrack (MIDI) 3.9 kB
Old Fall-O-Ween 2020 Version (all platforms) 135 MB

Install instructions

Unzip the archive into a location of your choosing, and run the executable file. On Linux this has the extension .x86 or .x86_64

Development log


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hey this was really good put this on steam ,yeah

Thanks! Unfortunately I feel like the $100 fee to distribute a game on Steam might be a bit of a barrier for a small, free game like this. But once I've pushed the first update for this game I reckon I'll be looking at other platforms like GameJolt and Newgrounds. Keep an eye out!